Powerful Agency Management Customization
Veruna brings together everything you need to manage your agency effectively in one integrated, intuitive technology platform. With core capabilities ideal for common insurance activities, plus nearly limitless customization and extension via the Salesforce AppExchange, you can easily configure an ideal solution to meet your exact business needs.

Learn more about key Veruna functionality
Sales Management: Everything Your Producers Need
Veruna AMS gives your producers a powerful sales tools and data capture system. Information is automatically transferred into your customer database and accounting system too — no more lost opportunities or delays in coverage. With Veruna, you can take advantage of:
- Lead management
- Sales dashboards
- Pipeline reporting
- Producer goal-setting
- Marketing automation
- Email campaigns
- Mobile app
Agency Policy Management: Efficiency Across the Board—and Across Your Business
This power-packed software allows you to stay on top of your book of business with tools such as:
Easy-to-create form emails, letters and proposals
Document management
Robust, Industry Leading Carrier Downloads
Interactive renewal dashboard for expiration tracking
Plans to manage related activities in your workflows
Robust document management system including integrations scanning, drag-and-drop email/files and document editing
Reports and visualized dashboards that can show your status at a glance
Mobile-friendly design allowing immediate communication between employees in the field and those back in the office
Built-in automation to save time while invoicing, creating submissions, generating certificates, and more
Insurance Accounting: Real-Time Data to Drive Growth
In this industry, a good accounting platform is key; a great one can help accelerate your growth. Here’s what you get with our platform:
- Direct bill
- Agency bill
- Broker bill
- Full general ledger
- Invoice triggers
- GAAP compliant accounting
- Advanced financial reporting
Mobility: Manage Your Business Anywhere, Anytime
Stay ahead of the curve—Always have all the vital information you need right at your fingertips. View your whole day at a glance with the Today App. Drive quicker decisions with real-time data from Dashboards and Custom Reports. Drive sales, align your team, and keep your system current from anywhere. Manage leads, Contacts, Policies and Activities from your phone to
Carrier Downloads: P&C Processing 24-7
Veruna supports Policy Download for Personal Lines, numerous Commercial Lines, and Direct Bill Commission Download for those carriers who (and even some who don’t!) With 24x7 download detection, downloads are processed as soon as they are received so policies are updated continuously throughout the day. Clients can also control their download preferences by line of business and carrier for a customized download experience.
Business Analytics and Reporting: Real-Time Data for Deep Insights
Get real-time snapshots of your business data. Spot industry trends before anyone else. Cut report-building time nearly in half. The Veruna AMS reports and dashboards gives everyone in your agency the insight they need to make fast, smart business decisions.
In addition to customized tools, we also provide:
- An easy custom report designer
- The ability to have template reports emailed to you and your team automatically at certain time intervals
- User-specific productivity dashboards for:
- Owner / Principal
- Producer / Sales
- Account Manager / CSR
- Accounting
Commissions: Grow Your Business with Flexible Frameworks
With Veruna’s modern, user-friendly commission structuring, you can optimize your agency’s unique commission structures for the way carrier programs work today—and easily adapt to future changes. Features include:
- Default commission splits, including secondary sub-producers
- Easily set up global default commission rules based on billing company, issuing company or LOB
- Tiered producer commissions based on premium amount or lives covered
- Effective and expiration dates for limited-time and promotional rules to incentivize producer sales
- Sub-coverages to promote certain types or policy coverages
- Incentivize desired business / coverage / carriers, or run sales contests
- Policy-level commissions
- Easy-to-set-up broad agency default commissions, specific producer default commissions, and custom commissions
- Easily switch default commissions
Servicing: Responsive, Personalized Client Experience
Easily track claims, endorsements, address, vehicle and driver changes. Utilize the power of Salesforce to automate time-consuming back-office tasks. Take advantage of Salesforce APIs or Experience cloud to automate service requests directly into Veruna from the web or mobile directly from your insureds. Veruna’s 24-7 Carrier Downloads will update any policy change information (including updates to schedules or additional interests) directly for efficient policy management.
Security: Data Privacy and Encryption
Your business and customer data are your most valuable asset, and we employ state-of-the-art security technology and protocols to protect this vital information. Veruna uses two highly secure, cloud-based storage systems: Salesforce and Microsoft Azure. Because Veruna is deployed as a managed package with your dedicated Salesforce environment, your data lives in your Salesforce "Org" when at rest. Your data briefly exists in transit when Veruna receives your carrier download information and ingests that data into your Veruna/Salesforce instance. Veruna processes these API-related transactions in Microsoft Azure. There is no persistent storage, and all data is encrypted while in transit.
For more detailed information on data privacy and IT security, including links to Salesforce compliance and SOC documentation, please access the FAQ document below.